Industrial motor Ex d(e)In our "industrial motors" product segment (frame sizes 071 - 315), 50 % of all of the motors we produce have a flameproof enclosure Ex d, certified acc. to ATEX. Ex d motors for this area have type of protection II 2G Ex de IIC T4 Standard. They are optimally suited for use in hazardous Zone 1. Also Ex d motors are always designed and constructed to address particular applications, i.e. they can be precisely adapted to the specific project with the highest degree of flexibility - exactly as the customer specifies or the project demands. This means that individual drives are created that are tailored to the particular plant, application or project specification. All gray cast iron motors have optimized parameters, i.e. the winding and rotor are optimally adapted to the environmental conditions (electrically and mechanically). Only then can the optimum values for efficiency and power factor be achieved (without derating) for extremely low starting currents. The result is reflected in the energy saving with the lowest load on the line supply and highest efficiency. These motors are available either surface cooled (t.e.f.c.), water cooled and as braking motor. In addition to the usual types of construction (where the shaft and flange is also in conformance with NEMA), non-standard numbers of poles, pole-changing versions, high-speed designs as well as special cooling types are available. Our strengths also include special voltages / special frequencies / special insulation / converter operation. Noteworthy: Heavy-duty starting design (e.g. separators, centrifuges) Ships' motors according to ABS, BV, CCS, DNV, GL, LRoS, RINA, RS Classification Societies
Двигатели Loher CHEMSTAR
Двигатели Loher CHEMSTAR – идеальны для использования в химической и нефтехимической промышленности.
В пользу двигателей малой и средней мощности выступает, прежде всего, серия двигателей Loher CHEMSTAR, обеспечивающих максимальную безопасность, высокую степень готовности и низкие производственные расходы. Для спектра мощностей от 0,12 до 315 кВт двигатель Loher CHEMSTAR гарантирует любые мыслимые видах взрывозащиты.
Двигатель Loher VARIO
Двигатель Loher VARIO – максимальная безопасность в нефтяной и газовой промышленности
В зависимости от области применения серия двигателей Loher VARIO используется в каче- стве низковольтных или высоковольтных дви- гателей, начиная с высоты оси вращения 355 и в исполнении со сварным корпусом.
Низковольтные и высоковольтные двигатели Loher VARIO в базовом оснащении уже облада- ют все важными качествами, обеспечивающи- ми их использование в нефтяной и газовой, не- фтехимической и химической промышленности.
Industrial motor Ex eLoher Motors with type of protection "e" (increase safety) distinguish themselves as the various components are optimally harmonized with one another (winding / rotor and components). This is the reason that special construction regulations also apply for these motors. When compared to motors with a flameproof enclosure, which makes any ignition non-hazardous, the protection philosophy for these motors is to avoid ignition, even when a fault situation occurs. The permissible winding temperatures are reduced, which in turn results in a longer lifetime and a low risk of ignition. Fault situation "locked rotor": Loher Ex e motors set themselves apart as a result of the higher (than specified) safe locked rotor time - tE - this makes drive monitoring simpler, safer and uncritical. "Increased safety" therefore also involves a longer service life and especially a higher degree of reliability and operational safety.
Chemstar motor Ex eFrom the safety philosophy, this motor is identical with the Ex e industrial motor. What makes it special is the fact that it has been specifically designed for applications in the chemical and petrochemical industry. Efficiency and effectiveness using high-quality components that completely fulfill the stipulations for "increased safety".
Vario / J seriesThe motors in the "increased safety" version offer a high degree of explosion protection but at the same time have a low weight and complexity. The copper bar rotors used as standard allow starting and operating parameters to be optimized for each and every specific application. The steel version allows various bearing concepts, dimensions can be adapted and a wide range of instruments can be mounted. 3 versions are available: The Vario Ex e series is surface cooled with flat ribs combined with a defined inner cooling circuit with internal shaft-mounted fans. The J series Ex e from Loher have a modular cooling design featuring double flow inner cooling for a high power density and a homogeneous temperature distribution in the following versions: Mounted air-water heat exchanger: The heat exchangers are available in a wide range of versions with single and double pipe versions. Mounted air-air heat exchanger: The cooling pipes are manufactured out of galvanized steel; stainless steel versions are available for especially aggressive atmospheres.
Двигатель Loher VARIO – максимальная
безопасность в нефтяной и газовой
В зависимости от области применения серия двигателей Loher VARIO используется в каче- стве низковольтных или высоковольтных дви- гателей, начиная с высоты оси вращения 355 и в исполнении со сварным корпусом.
Низковольтные и высоковольтные двигатели Loher VARIO в базовом оснащении уже облада- ют все важными качествами, обеспечивающи- ми их использование в нефтяной и газовой, не- фтехимической и химической промышленности.
Рта серия максимально соответствует стандар- ту эксплуатирующих предприятий. РџСЂРё мощно- сти РґРѕ 2800 РєР’С‚ РѕРЅРё РІ РѕСЃРЅРѕРІРЅРѕРј предназначены для нефтяной Рё газовой промышленности, РіРґРµ для подачи Рё транспортировки требуются насо- СЃС‹ Рё компрессоры большой мощности. Область применения этих двигателей – взрывоопасные Р·РѕРЅС‹ СЃ газами вплоть РґРѕ РіСЂСѓРїРїС‹ II C РІ соответ- ствии СЃРѕ степенью защиты Ex-II 2 G Ex de II C T4.
Двигатели VARIO, изготовленные с подшип- никами качения, предназначены для исполь- зования во взрывоопасной зоне 1 и в особо взрывоопасной среде с содержанием водорода. Они полностью сертифицированы ATEX, NEPSI, CCOE и Ростехнадзором, предназначены также для низких температур, благодаря чему они мо- гут превосходно использоваться и на нефтяных и газовых месторождениях в регионах с холод- ным климатом, например, в Канаде, на Аляске или в Сибири.
Двигатели Loher VARIO поставляются на лю- бые традиционные напряжения и частоты до 11 кВ. Они отличаются чрезвычайно прочной конструкцией: металлический корпус, не под- вергающийся скручиванию, обеспечивающий при повышенных мощностях оптимальные зна- чения жесткости и устойчивости к вибрациям, ребристые подшипниковые щиты из серого чугуна или стали высокой прочности. При не- обходимости вертикальные двигатели также оснащаются упорным подшипником для высо- ких аксиальных и радиальных нагрузок.
Высокий коэффициент полезного действия обе- спечивается благодаря использованию специ- альной формы пазов статора – в результате высокая экономия затрат на электроэнергии. Коробку выводов можно располагать сбоку или сверху – по заказу возможны другие модифи- кации. Все коробки выводов допускают поворот на 90°.
В области приводной электротехники высоковольтные и низковольтные двигатели Loher VARIO пользуются известностью уже в течение многих лет и отличаются важными характеристиками, которые удовлетворяют требованиям, предъявляемым рынком.
Двигатель Loher VARIO – обзор разнообразия
Low-voltage motors in non-explosive environments for standard and special applicationsBased on its well-proven standard platforms, Loher precisely adapts its motors to the specific project and with the highest degree of flexibility - regarding the mechanical design, electrical design as well as special monitoring equipment and cooling types. This results in quite individual drives, perfectly tailored to the particular plant or system, application or customer specifications. All parameters of the gray cast iron motors have been optimized, i.e. the winding and rotor are optimally adapted to the environmental conditions. Only then can the optimum values for efficiency and power factor be achieved (without derating). The result is reflected in the energy saving for the lowest load on the line supply. These motors are available in the following versions - surface-cooled (t.e.f.c.) - water cooled and as braking motor up to approx. 500 kW. In addition to the usual types of construction (where the shaft and flange is also in conformance with NEMA), special numbers of poles, pole-changing versions, high-speed designs as well as special cooling types are available - precisely to customer specifications. Our strengths also include special voltages / special frequencies / special insulation / converter operation. The versions with special bearing designs for extremely high radial or axial (thrust) forces are especially worth noting.
Surface-cooled motors according to IEC and VIK up to frame size 355 and approx. 315 kWThe Loher Chemstar Motor is at home in the chemical and petrochemical industry. For low and medium power ratings, the Loher Chemstar series especially guarantees a maximum degree of safety, the highest level of availability and low operating costs. For power ratings up to 315 kW, this motor is the ideal drive component - as it fulfills all of the demands and requirements of the chemical and petrochemical industry. A sector-specific design takes into account the location - not only for hazardous zones (explosive areas) but also in non-hazardous zones. For instance, a high-quality paint finish and galvanized fan cowl protect against aggressive atmospheres. Anti-condensation heating is often no longer required even for extremely high air humidities. Loher Chemstar motors operate perfectly at temperatures from -55 В°C up to +70 В°C. These motors are even optimally suited for operation in desert and polar regions. When required, these motors can be equipped with corrosion-resistant stainless steel screws and bolts. Shaft seals in IP66 protect against water and dust. The degree of protection extends up to IP67. The enclosure is manufactured out of rugged gray cast iron and is therefore extremely resistant to corrosion, dampens vibration and has a high strength. Reinforced bearings and PTC thermistors - no problem. These adapted motors fulfill almost all user requirements and specifications.
Vario seriesThe Vario Non-Ex series has a welded steel enclosure to ensure the highest degree of variability and versatility. Flange rings at the ends of the enclosure increase the torsional stiffness and ensure a vibration-proof mechanical design. The steel version allows various bearing concepts, dimensions can be adapted and a wide range of instruments can be mounted. The surface cooling using flat ribs combined with a defined inner cooling circuit with shaft-mounted fan inside the motor ensure optimum motor utilization. The copper bar rotors used as standard allow starting and operating parameters to be optimized for each and every application.
J seriesJ series from Loher have a modular cooling design featuring double-flow inner cooling for a high power density and a homogeneous temperature distribution.2 versions are available: Mounted air-water heat exchanger (JNWA–... type for roller bearings / JNXA-... for sleeve bearings): Optimum cooling is guaranteed specifically for these series due to the harmonized and coordinated heat exchanger. The motor power loss is dissipated through the cooling water and is therefore de-coupled from the ambient temperature. The heat exchangers are available in a wide variety of versions with single and double pipe types. The high quality heat exchanger materials used are adapted to the specific requirements. Mounted air-air heat exchanger (type JNRA–... for roller bearings / JNQA-... for sleeve bearings): The motors are equipped with air-air heat exchangers. The cooling pipes are manufactured out of galvanized steel; stainless steel versions are available for especially aggressive atmospheres.
Industrial motor Ex nALoher is using this motor type to increasingly address large oil & gas projects (in addition to the standard business) - for example the industrial plants located in the huge gas fields in Qatar. The reason for this is that also here the design allows the motor to be individually adapted to the particular application, so that even extremely complex customer specifications can be fulfilled without any deviations. Further, the advantages include the low motor weight and the extremely simply motor installation and maintenance. Loher Ex nA motors also have optimized parameters, i.e. the winding and rotor are optimally adapted to the environmental conditions. Only then can the optimum values for efficiency and power factor be achieved (without derating). The result is reflected in the energy saving with the lowest load on the line supply. A sensible investment for the future. These motors are available up to approx. 315 kW. In addition to the usual types of construction (where the shaft and flange is also in conformance with NEMA), non-standard numbers of poles, pole-changing versions, high-speed designs as well as special cooling types are available - precisely to customer specifications. Our strengths also include special voltages / special frequencies / special insulation / converter operation. Versions with special bearing designs for extremely high radial or axial (thrust) forces are especially worth noting.
Chemstar motor Ex nAWhen compared to Ex nA industrial motors, this motor has been specifically developed for use in the chemical and petrochemical industry. This motor already fulfills the special requirements for this sector in the standard design. Further, even more individual and more precise adaptation is possible using practical options for applications in the chemical industry. A sector-specific design takes into account the requirements for use in hazardous Zone 2 applications. For instance, an extremely high quality paint finish and galvanized fan cowl protect against aggressive atmospheres. Anti-condensation heating is often no longer required - even for high levels of air humidity. Loher Chemstar motors operate perfectly from -55 В°C up to +70 В°C. When required, the motors can be equipped with corrosion-resistant stainless steel screws and bolts. Shaft seals in IP66 protect against water and dust. The degree of protection extends up to IP67.The enclosure is manufactured out of rugged gray cast iron and is therefore extremely resistant to corrosion, dampens vibration and has a high strength. Reinforced bearings and PTC thermistors - no problem. The adapted motors fulfill almost all user requirements and specifications. The Loher Chemstar Motor - guarantees maximum safety, highest availability and low operating costs.
Vario series Ex nAThe Vario Ex nA series has a welded steel enclosure for the highest degree of variability and versatility. Flange rings at the ends of the enclosure increase the torsional stiffness and ensure a vibration-proof mechanical design. The steel version allows various bearing concepts, dimensions can be adapted and a wide range of instruments can be mounted. The surface cooling using flat ribs combined with a defined inner cooling circuit with shaft-mounted fan inside the motor ensure optimum motor utilization. The copper bar rotors used as standard allow the starting and operating parameters to be optimized for each and every application.
J series Ex nAJ series from Loher have a modular cooling design featuring double-flow inner cooling for a high power density and a homogeneous temperature distribution.2 versions are available: Mounted air-water heat exchanger (JNWK–... type for roller bearings / JNXK-... for sleeve bearings): Optimum cooling is guaranteed specifically for these series due to the harmonized and coordinated heat exchanger. The motor power loss is dissipated through the cooling water and is therefore de-coupled from the ambient temperature. The heat exchangers are available in a wide variety of versions with single and double pipe types. The high quality heat exchanger materials used are adapted to the specific requirements. Mounted air-air heat exchanger (type JNRK–... for roller bearings / JNQK-... for sleeve bearings): The motors are equipped with air-air heat exchangers. The cooling pipes are manufactured out of galvanized steel; stainless steel versions are available for especially aggressive atmospheres.
Industrial motor Ex eLoher Motors with type of protection "e" (increase safety) distinguish themselves as the various components are optimally harmonized with one another (winding / rotor and components). This is the reason that special construction regulations also apply for these motors. When compared to motors with a flameproof enclosure, which makes any ignition non-hazardous, the protection philosophy for these motors is to avoid ignition, even when a fault situation occurs. The permissible winding temperatures are reduced, which in turn results in a longer lifetime and a low risk of ignition. Fault situation "locked rotor": Loher Ex e motors set themselves apart as a result of the higher (than specified) safe locked rotor time - tE - this makes drive monitoring simpler, safer and uncritical. "Increased safety" therefore also involves a longer service life and especially a higher degree of reliability and operational safety.
Chemstar motor Ex eFrom the safety philosophy, this motor is identical with the Ex e industrial motor. What makes it special is the fact that it has been specifically designed for applications in the chemical and petrochemical industry. Efficiency and effectiveness using high-quality components that completely fulfill the stipulations for "increased safety".
Vario / J seriesThe motors in the "increased safety" version offer a high degree of explosion protection but at the same time have a low weight and complexity. The copper bar rotors used as standard allow starting and operating parameters to be optimized for each and every specific application. The steel version allows various bearing concepts, dimensions can be adapted and a wide range of instruments can be mounted. 3 versions are available: The Vario Ex e series is surface cooled with flat ribs combined with a defined inner cooling circuit with internal shaft-mounted fans. The J series Ex e from Loher have a modular cooling design featuring double flow inner cooling for a high power density and a homogeneous temperature distribution in the following versions: Mounted air-water heat exchanger: The heat exchangers are available in a wide range of versions with single and double pipe versions. Mounted air-air heat exchanger: The cooling pipes are manufactured out of galvanized steel; stainless steel versions are available for especially aggressive atmospheres.
Industrial motor Ex d(e)In our "industrial motors" product segment (frame sizes 071 - 315), 50 % of all of the motors we produce have a flameproof enclosure Ex d, certified acc. to ATEX. Ex d motors for this area have type of protection II 2G Ex de IIC T4 Standard. They are optimally suited for use in hazardous Zone 1. Also Ex d motors are always designed and constructed to address particular applications, i.e. they can be precisely adapted to the specific project with the highest degree of flexibility - exactly as the customer specifies or the project demands. This means that individual drives are created that are tailored to the particular plant, application or project specification. All gray cast iron motors have optimized parameters, i.e. the winding and rotor are optimally adapted to the environmental conditions (electrically and mechanically). Only then can the optimum values for efficiency and power factor be achieved (without derating) for extremely low starting currents. The result is reflected in the energy saving with the lowest load on the line supply and highest efficiency. These motors are available either surface cooled (t.e.f.c.), water cooled and as braking motor. In addition to the usual types of construction (where the shaft and flange is also in conformance with NEMA), non-standard numbers of poles, pole-changing versions, high-speed designs as well as special cooling types are available. Our strengths also include special voltages / special frequencies / special insulation / converter operation. Noteworthy: Heavy-duty starting design (e.g. separators, centrifuges) Ships' motors according to ABS, BV, CCS, DNV, GL, LRoS, RINA, RS Classification Societies
Двигатели Loher CHEMSTAR
Двигатели Loher CHEMSTAR – идеальны для использования в химической и нефтехимической промышленности.
В пользу двигателей малой и средней мощности выступает, прежде всего, серия двигателей Loher CHEMSTAR, обеспечивающих максимальную безопасность, высокую степень готовности и низкие производственные расходы. Для спектра мощностей от 0,12 до 315 кВт двигатель Loher CHEMSTAR гарантирует любые мыслимые видах взрывозащиты.
Двигатель Loher VARIO
Двигатель Loher VARIO – максимальная безопасность в нефтяной и газовой промышленности
В зависимости от области применения серия двигателей Loher VARIO используется в каче- стве низковольтных или высоковольтных дви- гателей, начиная с высоты оси вращения 355 и в исполнении со сварным корпусом.
Низковольтные и высоковольтные двигатели Loher VARIO в базовом оснащении уже облада- ют все важными качествами, обеспечивающи- ми их использование в нефтяной и газовой, не- фтехимической и химической промышленности.
Industrial motor Ex nALoher is using this motor type to increasingly address large oil & gas projects (in addition to the standard business) - for example the industrial plants located in the huge gas fields in Qatar. The reason for this is that also here the design allows the motor to be individually adapted to the particular application, so that even extremely complex customer specifications can be fulfilled without any deviations. Further, the advantages include the low motor weight and the extremely simply motor installation and maintenance. Loher Ex nA motors also have optimized parameters, i.e. the winding and rotor are optimally adapted to the environmental conditions. Only then can the optimum values for efficiency and power factor be achieved (without derating). The result is reflected in the energy saving with the lowest load on the line supply. A sensible investment for the future. These motors are available up to approx. 315 kW. In addition to the usual types of construction (where the shaft and flange is also in conformance with NEMA), non-standard numbers of poles, pole-changing versions, high-speed designs as well as special cooling types are available - precisely to customer specifications. Our strengths also include special voltages / special frequencies / special insulation / converter operation. Versions with special bearing designs for extremely high radial or axial (thrust) forces are especially worth noting.
Chemstar motor Ex nAWhen compared to Ex nA industrial motors, this motor has been specifically developed for use in the chemical and petrochemical industry. This motor already fulfills the special requirements for this sector in the standard design. Further, even more individual and more precise adaptation is possible using practical options for applications in the chemical industry. A sector-specific design takes into account the requirements for use in hazardous Zone 2 applications. For instance, an extremely high quality paint finish and galvanized fan cowl protect against aggressive atmospheres. Anti-condensation heating is often no longer required - even for high levels of air humidity. Loher Chemstar motors operate perfectly from -55 В°C up to +70 В°C. When required, the motors can be equipped with corrosion-resistant stainless steel screws and bolts. Shaft seals in IP66 protect against water and dust. The degree of protection extends up to IP67.The enclosure is manufactured out of rugged gray cast iron and is therefore extremely resistant to corrosion, dampens vibration and has a high strength. Reinforced bearings and PTC thermistors - no problem. The adapted motors fulfill almost all user requirements and specifications. The Loher Chemstar Motor - guarantees maximum safety, highest availability and low operating costs.
Vario series Ex nAThe Vario Ex nA series has a welded steel enclosure for the highest degree of variability and versatility. Flange rings at the ends of the enclosure increase the torsional stiffness and ensure a vibration-proof mechanical design. The steel version allows various bearing concepts, dimensions can be adapted and a wide range of instruments can be mounted. The surface cooling using flat ribs combined with a defined inner cooling circuit with shaft-mounted fan inside the motor ensure optimum motor utilization. The copper bar rotors used as standard allow the starting and operating parameters to be optimized for each and every application.
J series Ex nAJ series from Loher have a modular cooling design featuring double-flow inner cooling for a high power density and a homogeneous temperature distribution.2 versions are available: Mounted air-water heat exchanger (JNWK–... type for roller bearings / JNXK-... for sleeve bearings): Optimum cooling is guaranteed specifically for these series due to the harmonized and coordinated heat exchanger. The motor power loss is dissipated through the cooling water and is therefore de-coupled from the ambient temperature. The heat exchangers are available in a wide variety of versions with single and double pipe types. The high quality heat exchanger materials used are adapted to the specific requirements. Mounted air-air heat exchanger (type JNRK–... for roller bearings / JNQK-... for sleeve bearings): The motors are equipped with air-air heat exchangers. The cooling pipes are manufactured out of galvanized steel; stainless steel versions are available for especially aggressive atmospheres.
Двигатели Loher CHEMSTAR – идеальны
для использования в химической и нефтехимической промышленности.
В пользу двигателей малой и средней мощности выступает, прежде всего, серия двигателей Loher CHEMSTAR, обеспечивающих максимальную безопасность, высокую степень готовности и низкие производственные расходы. Для спектра мощностей от 0,12 до 315 кВт двигатель Loher CHEMSTAR гарантирует любые мыслимые видах взрывозащиты.
Характерный для отрасли дизайн выполнен с уче- том места эксплуатации – защиту от агрессивных сред обеспечивают высококачественное лакокра- сочное покрытие, особо стойкое к действию хими- ческих веществ, и кожух вентилятора с гальвани- ческим цинковым покрытием.
Даже РїСЂРё очень высокой влажности РІРѕР·РґСѓС…Р° зача- стую РЅРµ требуется обогрев РїСЂРё простое. Двигатели Loher CHEMSTAR работают безотказно РІ диапазо- РЅРµ температур РѕС‚ –55В°C РґРѕ +70В°C даже РІ зонах СЃ пылью Рё газами. Рти двигатели оптимально РїРѕРґС…Рѕ- РґСЏС‚ даже для пустынных Рё полярных районов.
При необходимости двигатели комплектуются кор- розионностойкими болтами из нержавеющей стали. Уплотнители вала со степенью защиты IP66 предо- храняют от влаги и пыли и в результате без проблем обеспечивают возможность размещения двигателей на открытом воздухе. Стандартная степень защиты – IP55, спектр степеней защиты простирается до IP67.
Корпус изготовлен из прочного серого чугуна, бла- годаря чему обеспечивается высокая стойкость к коррозии, устойчивость к вибрации и повышенная прочность. По заказу возможна установка усилен- ных подшипников и РТС-термисторов. Двигатели могут быть адаптированы к практически любым предъявляемым требованиям и спецификациям.
Двигатели Loher CHEMSTAR поставляются со стандартной для отрасли документацией, включая сертификат ATEX для химической и нефтехимиче- ской промышленности.
Общие технические характеристики
Промышленные двигатели в соответствии с IEC и VIK типы | IMB3, B5, B35, V1, V3, V18, B14, 34 |
Область мощностей | 0,12 – 315 кВт |
Типоразмеры | 71 – 355 (IEC) |
Число оборотов | 1000, 1500, 3000 / мин, также на 60 Гц и с переключением числа полюсов |
КПД | ≥ 55 кВт Высокий КПД Класс «eff1», |
Напряжение | Область напряжений 380…400…420 В / D, ± 5 % 655…690…725 В / S, ± 5 % 500 В ± 5 % Возможно закрепление неизменного напряжения, например, 380 В Остальные напряжение по заказу |
IA/IN | |
Степень защиты | IP55, до IP67 по заказу |
Уровень шума | ≤ 77 дБA + 3 дБA допуск |
Уровень искробезопасности | без взрывозащиты, II 3 G Ex n AII; II 2 G Ex e II, T3; II 2 G Ex de IIC, T4 |
Дополнительная заводская табличка для работы с преобразователем частоты переменного тока с параметрами для Md ~ n2; Md ~ пост. 1:3 и 1:5 | |
Все двигатели Loher CHEMSTAR со степенью защиты Ex de и Ex n приняты и сертифицированы для работы на Loher DYNAVERT T согл. каталогу UN04. |
Vario / J seriesThe motors in the "increased safety" version offer a high degree of explosion protection but at the same time have a low weight and complexity. The copper bar rotors used as standard allow starting and operating parameters to be optimized for each and every specific application. The steel version allows various bearing concepts, dimensions can be adapted and a wide range of instruments can be mounted. 3 versions are available: The Vario Ex e series is surface cooled with flat ribs combined with a defined inner cooling circuit with internal shaft-mounted fans. The J series Ex e from Loher have a modular cooling design featuring double flow inner cooling for a high power density and a homogeneous temperature distribution in the following versions: Mounted air-water heat exchanger: The heat exchangers are available in a wide range of versions with single and double pipe versions. Mounted air-air heat exchanger: The cooling pipes are manufactured out of galvanized steel; stainless steel versions are available for especially aggressive atmospheres.
Industrial motor Ex d(e)In our "industrial motors" product segment (frame sizes 071 - 315), 50 % of all of the motors we produce have a flameproof enclosure Ex d, certified acc. to ATEX. Ex d motors for this area have type of protection II 2G Ex de IIC T4 Standard. They are optimally suited for use in hazardous Zone 1. Also Ex d motors are always designed and constructed to address particular applications, i.e. they can be precisely adapted to the specific project with the highest degree of flexibility - exactly as the customer specifies or the project demands. This means that individual drives are created that are tailored to the particular plant, application or project specification. All gray cast iron motors have optimized parameters, i.e. the winding and rotor are optimally adapted to the environmental conditions (electrically and mechanically). Only then can the optimum values for efficiency and power factor be achieved (without derating) for extremely low starting currents. The result is reflected in the energy saving with the lowest load on the line supply and highest efficiency. These motors are available either surface cooled (t.e.f.c.), water cooled and as braking motor. In addition to the usual types of construction (where the shaft and flange is also in conformance with NEMA), non-standard numbers of poles, pole-changing versions, high-speed designs as well as special cooling types are available. Our strengths also include special voltages / special frequencies / special insulation / converter operation. Noteworthy: Heavy-duty starting design (e.g. separators, centrifuges) Ships' motors according to ABS, BV, CCS, DNV, GL, LRoS, RINA, RS Classification Societies
Двигатели Loher CHEMSTAR
Двигатели Loher CHEMSTAR – идеальны для использования в химической и нефтехимической промышленности.
В пользу двигателей малой и средней мощности выступает, прежде всего, серия двигателей Loher CHEMSTAR, обеспечивающих максимальную безопасность, высокую степень готовности и низкие производственные расходы. Для спектра мощностей от 0,12 до 315 кВт двигатель Loher CHEMSTAR гарантирует любые мыслимые видах взрывозащиты.
Двигатель Loher VARIO
Двигатель Loher VARIO – максимальная безопасность в нефтяной и газовой промышленности
В зависимости от области применения серия двигателей Loher VARIO используется в каче- стве низковольтных или высоковольтных дви- гателей, начиная с высоты оси вращения 355 и в исполнении со сварным корпусом.
Низковольтные и высоковольтные двигатели Loher VARIO в базовом оснащении уже облада- ют все важными качествами, обеспечивающи- ми их использование в нефтяной и газовой, не- фтехимической и химической промышленности.
Синхронные серводвигатели SEW-EURODRIVEСинхронные серводвигатели
Асинхронные двигатели серии DRE/DRS/DRPАсинхронные серводвигатели
Новая модульная система трехфазных асинхронных двигателей SEW-EURODRIVE разработана на базе надежной существующей серии двигателей. В новой серии трехфазных двигателей DR представлен весь спектр необходимых КПД, который включает энергосберегающие двигатели и делает двигатель перспективной инновационной основой высшего качества.
Асинхронные двигатели серии DT / DV
Конструкторская серия DT / DV
Cнято с производства. Можно заказать только запчасти.
Категория: SEW-EURODRIVEАсинхронные двигатели SEW-EURODRIVEАсинхронные двигатели
WEG W22 Высокая производительность с максимальным энергосбережением ‒ вот что лежит в основе нового электродвигателя WEG. При разработке W22 главными критериями были высокий КПД и низкие эксплуатационные расходы – замысел, призванный занять передовые позиции среди концепций об эффективности и энергосбережении.
WEG W21 Общепромышленные электромоторы WEG выполняются:
в чугунном корпусе с диапазоном производимых типоразмеров двигателей — от 63 до 355M/L; количеством полюсов электродвигателя 2, 4, 6 и 8; классом энергоэффективности КПД: улучшенный EFF2, Премиум EFF1 и Топ Премиум;
в алюминиевом корпусе с диапазоном производимых типоразмеров двигателей — от 63 до 132; количеством полюсов электродвигателя 2, 4, 6 и 8; классом энергоэффективности КПД: улучшенный EFF2, Премиум EFF1 и Топ Премиум; мультимонтажным исполнением (съемные лапы).