Завод «Двигатель», Таллин, Эстония Страница 1 из 10 Башни.Нет. Завод двигатель таллин

Завод «Двигатель», Таллин, Эстония - Страница 1 из 10

Cегодня проезжал мимо, захотелось рассказать историю одного из самых бывших больших заводов города Таллина. Речь пойдет о заводе «Двигатель». На нём проработали мои дедушка с бабушкой и отец.

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Источник Дмитрий Страхов

Рождение одного из крупнейших градообразующих предприятий Таллина, каковым на протяжении всего XX века являлся завод «Двигатель», произошло 25 августа 1897 года, когда император Николай II в Царском Селе подписал высочайший указ о создании капиталистического акционерного общества «Двигатель».

Уже летом следующего года в 18 июля 1898 года Петербурге прошло первое заседание акционеров «Двигателя» на котором Ревель был избран местом, где будет построен завод, а председатель правления Рязанско-Уральской железной дороги и Петербургского торгово-промышленного банка Иван Ефграфович Ададуров стал президентом акционерного общества «Двигатель». Тогда же определились и первые руководители будущего завода. Главным директором «Двигателя» стал бывший директор рижского однопрофильного предприятия «Феникс» Аугуст Аугустович Крюгер, а директорами были назначены генерал Иван Антонович Дерфельден и гражданин Ревеля Джон Карлович Эффельбейн.

В следующем месяце на ревельском холме Ласнамяги появились геодезисты, которые начали подготовку к строительству завода. Место для него было выбрано очень удачное. С одной стороны находилось озеро Юлемисте с Тартуским почтовым трактом, а с другой – железнодорожная линия соединявшая город с Петербургом и залежи плитняка.

17 августа 1898 года в торжественной обстановке был заложен краеугольный камень завода «Двигатель». Из Риги вместе с Крюгером прибыли квалифицированные рабочие и технический персонал, под руководством которого на участке земли величиной 131 гектар начались строительные работы. Слухи о строительстве «большой фабрики» прокатились по всем уездам Эстляндии и докатились даже до островов, привлекая крестьян на заработки. По воспоминаниям очевидцев, на строительстве «Двигателя» трудилось более 8000 человек.

К концу апреля 1899 года на территории завода появились котельная (с 15 котлами), машинное отделение, литейная, токарная, слесарная и столярная мастерские, кузница, собственная железнодорожная станция, лесопильня и другие объекты. По территории завода была проложена собственная железнодорожная ветка общей протяженностью более 20 километров, которая соединялась с магистралью Ревель – Петербург. К 1 мая 1899 года инженерно-технический персонал составлял 70 человек, а в торговой конторе было занято 55 служащих.

К 1911 году добавился новый ассортимент продукции, который и спас «Двигатель» перед Первой Мировой войной. Параллельно с ремонтом паровозов, а также производством и ремонтом вагонов, на заводе начали выпускать двигатели внутреннего сгорания типа «Орел» и «Атлант».

С независимостью Эстонии, которая была оформленная в 1920 году Тартуским миром, для «Двигателя», как и для большинства крупных предприятий страны, наступили непростые времена. Экономические связи с Россией, являвшейся главным поставщиком заказов, практически прервались, что вызвало сокращение почти 90% работников. В итоге по состоянию на 1921 год их осталось 427 человек.

Продукция завода перед Первой Мировой Войной.

Предприятие попыталось найти потребителя в Эстонии, в частности выпускало вагоны для таллинской конки, но ни сдача в аренду помещений, ни небольшие местные заказы не спасали от все нарастающих долгов. В итоге в 1926 году после очередного собрания акционеров облигации завода «Двигатель» на сумму 70 миллионов марок были переданы эстонскому банку за долги, а в покрытие остальной части долга было заложены не только имущество завода, но и вся выпущенная и даже незавершенная продукция.

Попытки владельцев завода найти заказы в Литве и даже во Франции не принесли успехов. 29 мая 1931 года «Двигатель» был выставлен на аукцион и приобретен директором однопрофильного предприятия из Риги Ф.Кятте, а спустя неделю министр экономики Эстонии М.Пунг выдал разрешение на создание нового государственного акционерного общества «Eesti Dvigatel» («Эстонский Двигатель») в состав которого в числе других акционеров вошел и сын главы государства Константина Пятса Виктор.

Согласно Уставу цель АО «Ээсти Двигатель» состояла в «производстве любых наземных, водных и воздушных средств передвижения, в изготовлении различных машин и моторов». Однако чем только не занимались на территории «Эстонского двигателя». Здесь изготавливались лопаты, тазики, мыло, сапожный крем, пуговицы, дамские сумочки и другие изделия ширпотреба, а производственные помещения сдавались в аренду мелким предприятиям.

Вторая Мировая война закончилась для «Двигателя» в 1944 году, когда территорию Эстонию покинули немецкие войска. Отступая, они разрушили и сожгли большинство строений на территории завода, повредив коммуникации, инженерные сети, водопровод, канализацию, тепло- и энергоснабжение предприятия. В 1947 году состоялось второе рождение завода «Двигатель», который в середине XX века стал одним из крупнейших предприятий Советской Эстонии.

Здание завода в советское время

Сегодня на улице Суур-Сыямяе, сразу за таллиннским аэропортом развивается передовой инновационный центр Юлемисте-Сити. Передовой, видимо, потому, что цена за кв.м бизнес площади взлетает до небес, а инновационный потому, что звучит красиво. Территория бывшего завода «Двигатель» быстро меняет облик. Однако сегодня здесь даже в самый оживленный день гораздо тише, чем в выходной день знаменитого «движка». Итак, небольшая экскурсия в прошлое.

«Двигатель» создавался в конце 19ого века, как вагоностроительный завод.


Завод "Двигатель" Таллинн. - Дмитрий Страхов

2. Гигантский пресс. Там вообще всё гигантское!

3. Люди конструируют огромный кран из составляющих узлов.



6. Внутри гигантской стрелы 1.


8. Внутри гигантской стрелы 2 / Вадим Николаевич - консультант завода и отец моего друга Дениса.

9. Сварщик.


11. Токарный станочек.

12. Ещё один токарный станочек.


14.А это "самый маленький" станочек!

15. Пулты управления самого маленького станочка.

16. "Самый маленький" станочек / вид сбоку.

17. Лирическое отступление 1 / Стружка.

18. Лирическое отступление 2 / Стружка.

19. Перерыв.

20. Фланец. Большой! Жаль не с чем сравнить.


22. Денис - сын Вадима Николаевича, один из моих лучших друзей.

23. Ваш покорный слуга.

24. Дэн.

25. Отец и сын.



28. Следы от инструмента в вертикальном столе станка (фото 21).

29. Кранавщица на сломанном кране.

30. Под потолком, рядом с рельсами крана.

31. Работающий кран.

32. "Самый маленький" станочек вид сверху.

33. Стрела крана вид сверху (см фото 8)


Завод «Двигатель» (Таллин) - Вики

В Эстляндской губернии Российской империи

25 октября 1897 года Всероссийский император Николай II в своей резиденции в Царском Селе утвердил устав нового вагоностроительного завода — акционерного общества «Двигатель»[1].

18 июля 1898 года в Санкт-Петербурге состоялось первое заседание акционеров «Двигателя». Городом, где будет построен завод, был избран Ревель. Президентом АО «Двигатель» стал председатель правления Рязанско-Уральской железной дороги Иван Евграфович Ададуров, главным директором — бывший директор рижского однопрофильного предприятия «Феникс» Аугуст Аугустович Крюгер, директорами были назначены генерал Иван Антонович Дерфельден и гражданин Ревеля Джон Карлович Эффельбейн.

На холме Ласнамяги было выбрано подходящее место для завода: с одной стороны находился Тартуский почтовый тракт, с другой — железнодорожная линия, соединявшая Ревель с Санкт-Петербургом, и залежи плитняка, из которого в те годы строились многие ревельские здания.

17 августа 1898 года был торжественно заложен краеугольный камень завода «Двигатель». На участке земли величиной 131 гектар начались строительные работы. Весть о строительстве «большой фабрики» прокатилась по всем уездам Эстляндии, привлекая жителей губернии на заработки. По одним данным на возведении завода работало 2000 человек[2], по воспоминаниям некоторых очевидцев — более 8000 человек[3].

К маю 1899 года на территории завода были возведены литейная, токарная, слесарная и столярная мастерские, кузница, лесопильня, котельная с 15 котлами, машинное отделение, железнодорожная станция и другие объекты. По территории завода была проложена железнодорожная ветка протяженностью более 20 километров, которая соединялась с железной дорогой Ревель—Санкт-Петербург. По состоянию на 1 мая 1899 года численность инженерно-технического персонала составила 70 человек, в торговой конторе работало 55 служащих[3]. Общая численность работников завода составила 4000 человек[1].

9 мая


Завод «Двигатель» (Таллин) - WikiVisually

1. Российская империя – The Russian Empire was a state that existed from 1721 until it was overthrown by the short-lived February Revolution in 1917. One of the largest empires in history, stretching over three continents, the Russian Empire was surpassed in landmass only by the British and Mongol empires. The rise of the Russian Empire happened in association with the decline of neighboring powers, the Swedish Empire, the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, Persia. It played a role in 1812–14 in defeating Napoleons ambitions to control Europe. The House of Romanov ruled the Russian Empire from 1721 until 1762, and its German-descended cadet branch, with 125.6 million subjects registered by the 1897 census, it had the third-largest population in the world at the time, after Qing China and India. Like all empires, it included a large disparity in terms of economics, ethnicity, there were numerous dissident elements, who launched numerous rebellions and assassination attempts, they were closely watched by the secret police, with thousands exiled to Siberia. Economically, the empire had an agricultural base, with low productivity on large estates worked by serfs. The economy slowly industrialized with the help of foreign investments in railways, the land was ruled by a nobility from the 10th through the 17th centuries, and subsequently by an emperor. Tsar Ivan III laid the groundwork for the empire that later emerged and he tripled the territory of his state, ended the dominance of the Golden Horde, renovated the Moscow Kremlin, and laid the foundations of the Russian state. Tsar Peter the Great fought numerous wars and expanded an already huge empire into a major European power, Catherine the Great presided over a golden age. She expanded the state by conquest, colonization and diplomacy, continuing Peter the Greats policy of modernisation along West European lines, Tsar Alexander II promoted numerous reforms, most dramatically the emancipation of all 23 million serfs in 1861. His policy in Eastern Europe involved protecting the Orthodox Christians under the rule of the Ottoman Empire and that connection by 1914 led to Russias entry into the First World War on the side of France, Britain, and Serbia, against the German, Austrian and Ottoman empires. The Russian Empire functioned as a monarchy until the Revolution of 1905. The empire collapsed during the February Revolution of 1917, largely as a result of failures in its participation in the First World War. Perhaps the latter was done to make Europe recognize Russia as more of a European country, Poland was divided in the 1790-1815 era, with much of the land and population going to Russia. Most of the 19th century growth came from adding territory in Asia, Peter I the Great introduced autocracy in Russia and played a major role in introducing his country to the European state system. However, this vast land had a population of 14 million, grain yields trailed behind those of agriculture in the West, compelling nearly the entire population to farm. Only a small percentage lived in towns, the class of kholops, close to the one of slavery, remained a major institution in Russia until 1723, when Peter I converted household kholops into house serfs, thus including them in poll taxation

2. Эстония – Estonia, officially the Republic of Estonia, is a country in the Baltic region of Northern Europe. It is bordered to the north by the Gulf of Finland, to the west by the Baltic Sea, to the south by Latvia, across the Baltic Sea lies Sweden in the west and Finland in the north. The territory of Estonia consists of a mainland and 2,222 islands and islets in the Baltic Sea, covering 45,339 km2 of land and water, and is influenced by a humid continental climate. The territory of Estonia has been inhabited since at least 6500 BC, in 1988, during the Singing Revolution, the Estonian Supreme Soviet issued the Estonian Sovereignty Declaration in defiance of Soviet rule, and independence was restored on 20 August 1991. Estonia is a parliamentary republic divided into fifteen counties. Its capital and largest city is Tallinn, with a population of 1.3 million, it is one of the least-populous member states of the European Union, Eurozone, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, OECD and Schengen Area. Estonia is a country with an advanced, high-income economy that is among the fastest growing in the EU. Its Human Development Index ranks very highly, and it performs favourably in measurements of economic freedom, civil liberties, the 2015 PISA test places Estonian high school students 3rd in the world, behind Singapore and Japan. Citizens of Estonia are provided with health care, free education. Since independence the country has developed its IT sector, becoming one of the worlds most digitally advanced societies. In 2005 Estonia became the first nation to hold elections over the Internet, in the Estonian language, the oldest known endonym of the Estonians was maarahvas, meaning country people or people of the land. The land inhabited by Estonians was called Maavald meaning Country Parish or Land Parish, one hypothesis regarding the modern name of Estonia is that it originated from the Aesti, a people described by the Roman historian Tacitus in his Germania. The historic Aesti were allegedly Baltic people, whereas the modern Estonians are Finno-Ugric, the geographical areas between Aesti and Estonia do not match, with Aesti being further down south. Ancient Scandinavian sagas refer to a land called Eistland, as the country is called in Icelandic. Early Latin and other ancient versions of the name are Estia and Hestia, esthonia was a common alternative English spelling prior to 1921. Human settlement in Estonia became possible 13,000 to 11,000 years ago, the oldest known settlement in Estonia is the Pulli settlement, which was on the banks of the river Pärnu, near the town of Sindi, in south-western Estonia. According to radiocarbon dating it was settled around 11,000 years ago, the earliest human inhabitation during the Mesolithic period is connected to Kunda culture, which is named after the town of Kunda in northern Estonia. At that time the country was covered with forests, and people lived in communities near bodies of water

3. Эстонская Советская Социалистическая Республика – The Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic, also known as Soviet Estonia or Estonia was a republic of the Soviet Union, administered by a subordinate of the Government of the Soviet Union. The Estonian SSR was subsequently incorporated into the USSR on August 9,1940, the territory was occupied by Nazi Germany from 1941 to 1944. Most countries did not recognise the incorporation of Estonia de jure, a number of these countries continued to recognize Estonian diplomats and consuls who still functioned in the name of their former government. This policy of non-recognition gave rise to the principle of legal continuity, on 16 November 1988, the Estonian SSR became the first republic within the Soviet sphere of influence to declare state sovereignty from Moscow. On 30 March 1990, the Estonian SSR declared that Estonia had been occupied since 1940, the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic was renamed as the Republic of Estonia on May 8,1990. As part of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Estonia came within the Soviet sphere of interest and was incorporated into the Soviet Union as a Soviet Socialist Republic, the history of Soviet Estonia formally begins with the establishment of the Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1941. The Secret Additional Protocol of the German–Soviet Nonaggression Pact signed on August 23,1939, on September 24,1939, warships of the Soviet Navy appeared off Estonian ports and Soviet bombers began patrolling over the area around Tallinn. Moscow demanded that Estonia allow the USSR to establish Soviet military bases, the government of Estonia accepted the ultimatum, signing the corresponding mutual assistance agreement on September 28,1939. On June 12,1940, according to the director of the Russian State Archive of the Naval Department Pavel Petrov, on June 14, the Soviet military blockade of Estonia went into effect while the world’s attention was focused on the fall of Paris to Nazi Germany. Two Soviet bombers downed a Finnish passenger airplane Kaleva flying from Tallinn to Helsinki carrying three diplomatic pouches from the U. S. legations in Tallinn, Riga and Helsinki, on June 16, Soviet NKVD troops raided border posts in Estonia. The Estonian government decided, according to the Kellogg–Briand Pact, to not respond to the Soviet ultimatums by military means, given the overwhelming Soviet force both on the borders and inside the country, the order was given not to resist in order to avoid bloodshed and open war. Most of the Estonian Defence Forces and the Estonian Defence League surrendered according to the orders and were disarmed by the Red Army, only the Estonian Independent Signal Battalion stationed at Raua Street in Tallinn showed resistance. As the Red Army brought in additional reinforcements supported by six armoured fighting vehicles, there was one dead, several wounded on the Estonian side and about 10 killed and more wounded on the Soviet side. Finally the military resistance was ended with negotiations and the Independent Signal Battalion surrendered and was disarmed, by June 18, military operations of the occupation of the Baltic States were complete. Thereafter, state administrations were liquidated and replaced by Soviet cadres, time magazine reported on June 24, that Half a million men and countless tanks of the Soviet Red Army moved to safeguard frontier against conquest-drunk Germany, one week before the Fall of France. On June 21,1940, the Soviet occupation of the Republic of Estonia was complete, the Flag of Estonia was replaced with a Red flag on Pikk Hermann tower. On July 14–15, rigged, extraordinary, single-party parliamentary elections were held, only peoples enemies stay at home on election day. Each ballot carried only the Soviet-assigned candidates name, with the way to register opposition being to strike out that name on the ballot

4. Таллин – Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. It is situated on the northern coast of the country, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland,80 km south of Helsinki, east of Stockholm, from the 13th century until 1918, the city was known as Reval. Tallinn occupies an area of 159.2 km2 and has a population of 444,591, approximately 33% of Estonias total population lives in Tallinn. Tallinn was founded in 1248, but the earliest human settlements date back 5,000 years, making it one of the oldest capital cities of Northern Europe. The initial claim over the land was laid by the Danes in 1219 after a raid of Lyndanisse led by Valdemar II of Denmark. Due to its location, the city became a major trade hub, especially from the 14th to the 16th century. Tallinns Old Town is one of the best preserved cities in Europe and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Tallinn is the political, financial, cultural and educational center of Estonia. Often dubbed the Silicon Valley of Europe, it has the highest number of startups per person in Europe and is a birthplace of international companies. The city is to house the headquarters of the European Unions IT agency, providing to the global cybersecurity it is the home to the NATO Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. It is ranked as a city and has been listed among the top 10 digital cities in the world. The city was a European Capital of Culture for 2011, along with Turku in Finland and it has been suggested that Quwri may have denoted a predecessor of the modern city. The earliest names of Tallinn include Kolyvan, which is known from East Slavic chronicles, up to the 13th century, the Scandinavians and Henry of Livonia in his chronicle called the town Lindanisa (or Lyndanisse in Danish, Lindanäs in Swedish and Ledenets in Old East Slavic. It has been suggested that the archaic Estonian word linda is similar to the Votic word lidna. According to this suggestion, nisa would have the meaning niemi, producing Kesoniemi, another ancient historical name for Tallinn in Finnish is Rääveli. The Icelandic Njals saga mentions Tallinn and calls it Rafala, which is a variant of the name Raphael, after the Danish conquest in 1219, the town became known in the German, Swedish and Danish languages as Reval. The name originated from Revelia Revala or Rävala, the adjacent ancient name of the surrounding area and it is usually thought to be derived from Taani-linn, after the Danes built the castle in place of the Estonian stronghold at Lindanisse. However, it could also have come from tali-linna, or talu-linna, the element -linna, like Germanic -burg and Slavic -grad / -gorod, originally meant fortress, but is used as a suffix in the formation of town names

5. Машиностроение – Mechanical engineering is the discipline that applies the principles of engineering, physics, and materials science for the design, analysis, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the design, production and it is one of the oldest and broadest of the engineering disciplines. The mechanical engineering field requires an understanding of areas including mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, materials science, structural analysis. Mechanical engineering emerged as a field during the Industrial Revolution in Europe in the 18th century, however, Mechanical engineering science emerged in the 19th century as a result of developments in the field of physics. The field has evolved to incorporate advancements in technology, and mechanical engineers today are pursuing developments in such fields as composites, mechatronics. Mechanical engineers may work in the field of biomedical engineering, specifically with biomechanics, transport phenomena, biomechatronics, bionanotechnology. Mechanical engineering finds its application in the archives of various ancient, in ancient Greece, the works of Archimedes deeply influenced mechanics in the Western tradition and Heron of Alexandria created the first steam engine. In China, Zhang Heng improved a water clock and invented a seismometer, during the 7th to 15th century, the era called the Islamic Golden Age, there were remarkable contributions from Muslim inventors in the field of mechanical technology. Al-Jazari, who was one of them, wrote his famous Book of Knowledge of Ingenious Mechanical Devices in 1206 and he is also considered to be the inventor of such mechanical devices which now form the very basic of mechanisms, such as the crankshaft and camshaft. Newton was reluctant to publish his methods and laws for years, gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz is also credited with creating Calculus during the same time frame. On the European continent, Johann von Zimmermann founded the first factory for grinding machines in Chemnitz, education in mechanical engineering has historically been based on a strong foundation in mathematics and science. Degrees in mechanical engineering are offered at universities worldwide. In Spain, Portugal and most of South America, where neither B. Sc. nor B. Tech, programs have been adopted, the formal name for the degree is Mechanical Engineer, and the course work is based on five or six years of training. In Italy the course work is based on five years of education, and training, in Greece, the coursework is based on a five-year curriculum and the requirement of a Diploma Thesis, which upon completion a Diploma is awarded rather than a B. Sc. In Australia, mechanical engineering degrees are awarded as Bachelor of Engineering or similar nomenclature although there are a number of specialisations. The degree takes four years of study to achieve. To ensure quality in engineering degrees, Engineers Australia accredits engineering degrees awarded by Australian universities in accordance with the global Washington Accord, before the degree can be awarded, the student must complete at least 3 months of on the job work experience in an engineering firm. Similar systems are present in South Africa and are overseen by the Engineering Council of South Africa

6. Орден Октябрьской Революции – The Order of the October Revolution was instituted on October 31,1967, in time for the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution. It was conferred upon individuals or groups for services furthering communism or the state, or in enhancing the defenses of the Soviet Union, military and it is second highest Soviet order, after the Order of Lenin. Above it was a red flag bearing the words October Revolution in Russian, a Hammer and Sickle emblem was placed at the bottom. The badge was worn on the left chest with a red ribbon bearing five blue stripes at the centre, the Russian cruiser Aurora was itself awarded with the Order of the October Revolution, the only ship ever to have received the award. Military units and institutions receiving the award applied the name to their title upon its reception. Order of the October Revolution at the Directory of the orders, medals, Order of the October Revolution Reference Page

7. Николай II – Nicholas II was the last Emperor of Russia, ruling from 1 November 1894 until his forced abdication on 15 March 1917. His reign saw the fall of the Russian Empire from being one of the foremost great powers of the world to economic, Soviet historiography portrayed Nicholas as a weak and incompetent leader, whose decisions led to military defeats and the deaths of millions of his subjects. The Anglo-Russian Entente, designed to counter German attempts to influence in the Middle East. Nicholas approved the Russian mobilisation on 30 July 1914, which led to Germany declaring war on Russia on 1 August 1914 and it is estimated that around 3,300,000 Russians were killed in World War I. Following the February Revolution of 1917, Nicholas abdicated on behalf of himself and his son, Nicholas, the recovered remains of the Imperial Family were finally re-interred in St. Petersburg, eighty years to the day on 17 July 1998. In 1981, Nicholas, his wife and their children were canonized as martyrs by the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia, located in New York City. On 15 August 2000 Nicholas and his family were canonized as passion bearers, Nicholas was born in the Alexander Palace in Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire, the eldest son of Emperor Alexander III and Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia. He had five siblings, Alexander, George, Xenia, Michael. Nicholas often referred to his father nostalgically in letters after Alexanders death in 1894 and he was also very close to his mother, as revealed in their published letters to each other. His paternal grandparents were Emperor Alexander II and Empress Maria Alexandrovna of Russia and his maternal grandparents were King Christian IX and Queen Louise of Denmark. Nicholas was of primarily German and Danish descent, his last ethnically Russian ancestor being Grand Duchess Anna Petrovna, Nicholas was related to several monarchs in Europe. His mothers siblings included Kings Frederik VIII of Denmark and George I of Greece, Nicholas, his wife Alexandra, and Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany were all first cousins of King George V of the United Kingdom. Nicholas was also a first cousin of both King Haakon VII and Queen Maud of Norway, as well as King Constantine I of Greece, Tsar Nicholas II was the first cousin-once-removed of Grand Duke Nicholas Nikolaevich. To distinguish between them the Grand Duke was often known within the Imperial family as Nikolasha and Nicholas the Tall, while the Tsar was Nicholas the Short. In his childhood, Nicholas, his parents and siblings made annual visits to the Danish royal palaces of Fredensborg and Bernstorff to visit his grandparents, the king and queen. The visits also served as family reunions, as his mothers siblings would come from the United Kingdom, Germany. It was there in 1883, that he had a flirtation with one of his English first cousins, in 1873, Nicholas also accompanied his parents and younger brother, two-year-old George, on a two-month, semi-official visit to England. In London, Nicholas and his family stayed at Marlborough House, as guests of his Uncle Bertie and Aunt Alix, the Prince and Princess of Wales, where he was spoiled by his uncle

8. Акционерное общество – A joint-stock company is a business entity in which different stocks can be bought and owned by shareholders. Each shareholder owns company stock in proportion, evidenced by their shares and that allows for the unequal ownership of a business with some shareholders owning more of a company than others. Shareholders are able to transfer their shares to others without any effects to the existence of the company. In modern-day corporate law, the existence of a company is often synonymous with incorporation. Therefore, joint-stock companies are known as corporations or limited companies. Some jurisdictions still provide the possibility of registering joint-stock companies without limited liability, in the United Kingdom and other countries that have adopted its model of company law, they are known as unlimited companies. In the United States, they are simply as joint-stock companies. Ownership of stock refers to a number of privileges. The company is managed on behalf of the shareholders by a board of directors, the shareholders also vote to accept or reject an annual report and audited set of accounts. Individual shareholders can sometimes stand for directorships within the company if a vacancy occurs, the shareholders are usually liable for any of the company debts that extend beyond the companys ability to pay. Meanwhile, the limit of their liability extends only to the value of their shareholding. The concept of limited liability largely accounts for the success of this form of business organization, ordinary shares entitle the owner to a share in the companys net profit. It is calculated in the way, the net profit is divided by the total number of owned shares, producing a notional value per share. An individuals share of the profit is thus the dividend multiplied by the number of shares owned, finding the earliest joint-stock company is a matter of definition. The earliest records of joint stock company can be found in China during the Song Dynasty, the Swedish company Stora has documented a stock transfer for an eighth of the company as early as 1288. In more recent history, the earliest joint-stock company recognized in England was the Company of Merchant Adventurers to New Lands, muscovy Company, which had a monopoly on trade between Moscow and London, was chartered soon after in 1555. The Royal Charter effectively gave the newly created Honourable East India Company a 15-year monopoly on all trade in the East Indies. The Company transformed from a trading venture to one that ruled India and exploited its resources, as it acquired auxiliary governmental and military functions

9. Рига – Riga is the capital and the largest city of Latvia. With 696,593 inhabitants, Riga is the largest city in the Baltic states, the city lies on the Gulf of Riga, at the mouth of the Daugava. Rigas territory covers 307.17 square kilometres and lies one and ten metres above sea level, on a flat and sandy plain. Riga was founded in 1201 and is a former Hanseatic League member, Rigas historical centre is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, noted for its Art Nouveau/Jugendstil architecture and 19th century wooden architecture. Riga was the European Capital of Culture during 2014, along with Umeå in Sweden, Riga hosted the 2006 NATO Summit, the Eurovision Song Contest 2003, and the 2006 IIHF Mens World Ice Hockey Championships. It is home to the European Unions office of European Regulators for Electronic Communications, Riga is served by Riga International Airport, the largest airport in the Baltic states. Riga is a member of Eurocities, the Union of the Baltic Cities, another theory could be that Riga was named after Riege, the German name for the River Rīdzene, a tributary of the Daugava. The river Daugava has been a trade route since antiquity, part of the Vikings Dvina-Dnieper navigation route to Byzantium. A sheltered natural harbour 15 km upriver from the mouth of the Daugava — the site of todays Riga — has been recorded, as Duna Urbs and it was settled by the Livs, an ancient Finnic tribe. Riga began to develop as a centre of Viking trade during the early Middle Ages, Rigas inhabitants occupied themselves mainly with fishing, animal husbandry, and trading, later developing crafts. German traders began visiting Riga, establishing a nearby outpost in 1158, along with German traders also arrived the monk Meinhard of Segeberg to convert the Livonian pagans to Christianity. Catholic and Orthodox Christianity had already arrived in Latvia more than a century earlier, Meinhard settled among the Livs, building a castle and church at Ikšķile, upstream from Riga, and established his bishopric there. The Livs, however, continued to practice paganism and Meinhard died in Ikšķile in 1196, in 1198, the Bishop Berthold arrived with a contingent of crusaders and commenced a campaign of forced Christianization. Berthold was killed soon afterwards and his forces defeated, pope Innocent III issued a bull declaring a crusade against the Livonians. Bishop Albert was proclaimed Bishop of Livonia by his uncle Hartwig of Uthlede, Prince-Archbishop of Bremen, Albert landed in Riga in 1200 with 23 ships and 500 Westphalian crusaders. In 1201, he transferred the seat of the Livonian bishopric from Ikšķile to Riga, the year 1201 also marked the first arrival of German merchants in Novgorod, via the Dvina. To defend territory and trade, Albert established the Order of Livonian Brothers of the Sword in 1202, open to nobles, in 1207, Albert started on fortification of the town. Emperor Philip invested Albert with Livonia as a fief and principality of the Holy Roman Empire, until then, it had been customary for crusaders to serve for a year and then return home

10. Тарту – Tartu is the second largest city of Estonia, following Estonias political and financial capital Tallinn. Tartu is often considered the centre of the country, especially since it is home to the nations oldest and most renowned university. The city also houses the Supreme Court of Estonia, the Ministry of Education and Research and it is the birthplace of Estonian Song Festivals. Situated 186 kilometres southeast of Tallinn and 245 kilometres northeast of Riga, Tartu lies on the Emajõgi, the city is served by Tartu Airport. Since 1918 the Estonian name Tartu has been used, but as the town has come under control of rulers throughout its history. Most of them derive ultimately from the earliest attested form, the Estonian Tarbatu, in German, Swedish and Polish the town has been known and is sometimes still referred to as Dorpat, a variant of Tarbatu. In Russian, the city has known as Юрьев and as Дерпт. Similarly, the city has known as Tērbata in Latvian. Archaeological evidence of the first permanent settlement on the site of modern Tartu dates to as early as the 5th century AD, by the 7th century, local inhabitants had built a wooden fortification on the east side of Toome Hill. The first documented record of the area was made in 1030 by chroniclers of Kievan Rus, yaroslav I the Wise, Prince of Kiev, invaded the region that year, built his own fort there, and named it Yuryev. Kievan Rus again controlled Tartu from 1133 for an unknown period, in the 12th century Tartu was the most notable Slavic settlement in Chud territory. His views have been criticized by historian Ain Mäesalu, subsequently, known as Dorpat, Tartu became a commercial centre of considerable importance during the later Middle Ages and the capital of the semi-independent Bishopric of Dorpat. In 1262 the army of Prince Dmitri of Pereslavl, son of Alexander Nevsky launched an assault on Dorpat and his troops did not manage to capture the bishops fortress on Toome Hill. In medieval times, after the Livonian Order was subsumed into the Teutonic Knights in 1236, in the 1280s Dorpat joined the Hanseatic League. For example, the hall of Dorpat was designed by an architect from Rostock in Mecklenburg, while the university buildings were designed by Johann Wilhelm Krause. Most Germans left during the first half of the 20th century, in particular as part of the Heim ins Reich program of the Nazis, in 1558 the forces of Muscovy led by tsar Ivan the Terrible invaded the region in what became known as the Livonian War. Dorpat was captured without a fight and the bishop was imprisoned in Moscow. In the effect of the Truce of Jam Zapolski of 1582 the city along with southern regions of Livonian Confederation became part of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth, in 1598 it became the capital of the Dorpat Voivodeship of the Duchy of Livonia


"Двигатель" Таллинн - Непарадная сторона

Сегодня на улице Суур-Сыямяе, сразу за таллиннским аэропортом развивается передовой инновационный центр Юлемисте-Сити. Передовой, видимо, потому, что цена за кв.м бизнес площади взлетает до небес, а инновационный потому, что звучит красиво. Территория бывшего завода "Двигатель" быстро меняет облик. Однако сегодня здесь даже в самый оживленный день гораздо тише, чем в выходной день знаменитого "движка". Итак, небольшая экскурсия в прошлое.

"Двигатель" создавался в конце 19ого века, как вагоностроительный завод.

После войны предприятие вошло в систему военно-промышленного комплекса, поэтому в последующие годы работы вся информация о нем была строго засекречена.

Здание заводской поликлиники. Сегодня о здравоохранении тут напоминает только кабинет дантиста.

Пожарная часть. Вместо больших окон в центре раньше стояли ворота.

На заводе трудилось более 5000 человек. Работа шла круглосуточно, сменами по 12 часов. Вся территория была обнесена высоким забором с колючей проволкой и хорошо охранялась. Вход - выход через кпп, досмотр личных вещей и прочие прелести режимного обьекта.

Здание вычислительного центра - сегодня частный институт.

Здание отдела кадров

Главная контора завода - тоже частное учебное заведение. Во время ремонта здания в 2006ом на чердаке была найдена немецкая форма времен мировой войны.

За этой дверью располагался военно-учетный стол, где работники "Двигателя" могли получить бронь от армии.

Бывший 4ый цех. Здесь производились фильтры для АЭС

Старая водонапорная башня. Рядом с ней когда-то была столовая.

5ый цех - деревообрабатывающий. В нем изготавливали ящики для готовой продукции и прочии конструкции для транспортировки крупных изделий.

Ремонтный цех

ЦЗЛ - центральная заводская лаборатория

Инструментальный цех

"Стена почета",...то что осталось.

А в этом бетонном кольце когда-то красовался Ленин.

За будкой - 7ой цех, инструментальный.

Здание на фото - 3ий цех.В нем собирали секции космических кораблей. На месте парковки был 10ый цех(ремонт автомашин) и цех, где готовые изделия испытывались в вакууме.

1ый цех. Цех сборки конструкций для атомных реакторов.

2ой цех. Изготовление деталей для реакторов АЭС. И сохранившаяся надпись - Слава КПСС!

17ый цех. Токарный

Цех, где изготавливали передвижные АЭС "Памир"

Здание в центре - пилорама

Гальванический цех

Цех для изготовления двигателей атомных подводных лодок

Литейный цех


Сюжеты Политическая забастовка на таллиннском заводе «Двигатель». (1989)

Эстонская ССР.

Политическая забастовка на ряде предприятий Эстонии.

Причина - введение ценза оседлости в Закон ЭССР «О выборах в местные Советы народных депутатов Эстонской ССР».


Вагоностроительный завод «Двигатель».

Территория завода.

На путях стоят груженые грузовые вагоны и вагоны-цистерны.

Ржавое колесо.

Рабочие отдыхают.

Транспарант с надписью «Политическая забастовка».

Полупустое предприятие.


Пустое рабочее место.


Пустые рабочие места.

Адресный план завода «Двигатель».

Объявление «На заводе продолжается политическая забастовка».

Транспарант с надписью «Мы требуем демократический закон о выборах».

Сквер перед заводом.

Митинг заводских рабочих.

Рабочие сидят у костра, слушают выступающих.

Зал заседаний.

Говорит профсоюзный лидер от имени бастующих рабочих.

Речь о дискриминирующем Законе о выборах в местные Советы ЭССР.

За трибуной представитель эстонских властей.

Говорит о ленинском принципе самоопределения

и необходимости для русских уважать эстонскую нацию и землю.

Синхрон с директором завода Игорем Николаевичем,

членом руководства Объединенного Совета трудовых коллективов.

Говорит о необходимости парламентского разрешения политических конфликтов вместо забастовки.

О принятия в Эстонии закона о привлечении к уголовной ответственности бастующих.

Об эстонской демократии «для ограниченной категории людей».

О решении ОСТК поддержать политическую забастовку, о полной солидарности с бастующими.

О сборе средств в помощь бастующим.


Завод «Двигатель», Таллин, Эстония

Рождение одного из крупнейших градообразующих предприятий Таллина, каковым на протяжении всего XX века являлся завод «Двигатель», произошло 25 августа 1897 года, когда император Николай II в Царском Селе подписал высочайший указ о создании капиталистического акционерного общества «Двигатель».

Уже летом следующего года в 18 июля 1898 года Петербурге прошло первое заседание акционеров «Двигателя» на котором Ревель был избран местом, где будет построен завод, а председатель правления Рязанско-Уральской железной дороги и Петербургского торгово-промышленного банка Иван Ефграфович Ададуров стал президентом акционерного общества «Двигатель». Тогда же определились и первые руководители будущего завода. Главным директором «Двигателя» стал бывший директор рижского однопрофильного предприятия «Феникс» Аугуст Аугустович Крюгер, а директорами были назначены генерал Иван Антонович Дерфельден и гражданин Ревеля Джон Карлович Эффельбейн.

В следующем месяце на ревельском холме Ласнамяги появились геодезисты, которые начали подготовку к строительству завода. Место для него было выбрано очень удачное. С одной стороны находилось озеро Юлемисте с Тартуским почтовым трактом, а с другой – железнодорожная линия соединявшая город с Петербургом и залежи плитняка.

17 августа 1898 года в торжественной обстановке был заложен краеугольный камень завода «Двигатель». Из Риги вместе с Крюгером прибыли квалифицированные рабочие и технический персонал, под руководством которого на участке земли величиной 131 гектар начались строительные работы. Слухи о строительстве «большой фабрики» прокатились по всем уездам Эстляндии и докатились даже до островов, привлекая крестьян на заработки. По воспоминаниям очевидцев, на строительстве «Двигателя» трудилось более 8000 человек.

К концу апреля 1899 года на территории завода появились котельная (с 15 котлами), машинное отделение, литейная, токарная, слесарная и столярная мастерские, кузница, собственная железнодорожная станция, лесопильня и другие объекты. По территории завода была проложена собственная железнодорожная ветка общей протяженностью более 20 километров, которая соединялась с магистралью Ревель – Петербург. К 1 мая 1899 года инженерно-технический персонал составлял 70 человек, а в торговой конторе было занято 55 служащих.
